Greely Drama Boosters


Greely Drama is a labor of love by the students, faculty, and by you--the parents. School funding for the drama program is extremely limited. Without parent involvement, we would not be able to offer our kids the opportunities to create and perform in two fabulous productions each year. 

Boosters typically meet several times a year as a large group; committees may meet as often as needed, as directed by the committee coordinators. There are also many small, but invaluable positions and tasks that you can assist with, even if you are unable to  commit to a larger role. 

The amount of time you contribute is up to you, but we hope you will find something that you are able to help with.  The Boosters work very hard to support the cast and crew. Please join us!

Director:   Jennifer Fox    


President: Sara Perfetti               

Vice-President: Andrea Hester  

Treasurer: Dan Seaver 

Secretary: Dee Madore