Greely High School Drama is a high quality drama program that has been attracting sold out audiences for over 35 years. These productions are eagerly-anticipated community events and will be attended by over 1,500 local residents.
Greely High School Drama is a high quality drama program that has been attracting sold out audiences for over 35 years. These productions are eagerly-anticipated community events and will be attended by over 1,500 local residents.
Greely Drama is supported by a combination of individual donations and corporate support. In addition to traditional advertising in the program, we also have business sponsorship opportunities featuring expanded advertising options to promote your business while supporting the arts at Greely.
Greely Drama is supported by a combination of individual donations and corporate support. In addition to traditional advertising in the program, we also have business sponsorship opportunities featuring expanded advertising options to promote your business while supporting the arts at Greely.
Thank you for supporting Greely Drama!
Thank you for supporting Greely Drama!