2012 October 23

Post date: Oct 24, 2012 4:56:07 PM

Greely Drama Boosters Meeting

October 23, 2012

Rm 152 Greely High School

Meeting started 7:05pm

1. Minutes from October 2, 2012 approved

2. Treasurer’s Report: Pamela Rowe

Hand-out details income ($3272.75) and expenses ($1835.48) for a net of $1437.27

3. Bag Fundraiser

Karen will send out a reminder tomorrow

4. Ad Sales update: Nita Dehais

Last Thursday and Friday there was a rush, and there are more ads still coming in.

Peg Pasini wants to buy another page. Nita will have to check with Stacey who may be able to add more pages

Annie Beagan: reported that she sold 1600 ads; she believes that next year’s ad sales group will be able to pick up 1000 of those next year.

5. Program: Stacey Collins not present

According to Audrey, we are waiting for some more information from students

6. Concessions/Bakers: MJ

Still need bakers and servers for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Servers need to be there at 6:30 or 1pm and ideally stay through clean up

Karen will send out an email call for volunteers

7. Publicity: Sally Somes

Audrey has a question about the tickets: We should sell from 4-6pm on Thursday (we don’t usually sell on the night of the show, but this year, Monday is a holiday. We need to have more than two days for selling tickets) Posters imply that you can get them from 4-6pm. We should find someone who can cover ticket sales 4-6 Tuesday-Thursday, plus 4 days at school, plus at the door. Ticket price is $9 and $6.

Karen will send out PDF version of poster.

Sally would like to put a picture in the Forecaster and will try this with help of a student photographer.

8. Locker Decorating: Beth Baldacci sent out an email to team.

9. Tech Rehearsal: November 10. (9:30 crew; 3 pm actors)

Emily Pershing will be sending out an email.

A-H Desert

I-O Fruit or Veggie Side dishes

Coolers, Ice, Paper Goods provided by Boosters

Crew parents will be asked to send in breakfast goods for early morning crew, a small crowd, but Brenda’s costume crew may be there as well.

10. Ticket Sales: Mary C. George not present

11. Cast Party Hosts: No takers yet; Talk it up!

12. Ironing: Brenda Clark

Will need 3-4 each day, 4-6pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday and 10:30-12:00 on Sunday. Bring your own ironing board and iron.

13. Babysitting: Karen Gallati volunteered to supervise children on Sunday

14. Strike: Please sign up to help. There are a lot of pieces to take down, but it does not take too long. Bring your hammer.

15. New Board Configuration: Tara reports that this has been a great improvement

16. Questions for Audrey:

Risers? Risers need to put up Thursday; Tara will ask maintenance

Videotaping? Yes: Annie Beagan will

17. Audrey’s Announcements:

Still looking for a wheelchair: Peg Pisini may be able to find one.

For people who did not get sweatshirt orders, there will be another order made after the show

Thank you for the suitcases

Tara, last year we have money coming from Atlantic Regional Credit Union. Tara will call to see if they will support us for another 3 years.

Things are going well, but this is a big costume show. More volunteers needed for ironing.

Jon Rolfe has been helping with the building and growing our capacity for building other sets in the future.

18. Making tickets. MJ will check with Barb to see if she is making them.

Next Meeting will be December 3rd, 7:00 pm, rm 152, Audrey’s classroom

Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm